Inserts East employees are trained to ensure they comply with all applicable company safety programs and regulations relating to protection of the environment. We have over 200 employees with over 1000 hours of safety and environmental training.
Our commitment to training extends beyond regulatory required courses. Signifi cant time is spent each year training employees on how they can be more effective implementing Company environmental, health and safety programs.
Employees received First Aid/CPR/AED training conducted by the American Red Cross. This enhanced training provides skills necessary for immediate care to a suddenly injured or ill person.
Inserts East believes training is a fundamental part of our corporate policy on accident prevention and for meeting our service reliability commitment to our customers. Our employee training curriculum includes: hazard communication, fire safety, hearing conservation, lockout/tagout, asbestos awareness, hazardous materials handling, heat stress, fall prevention, plant awareness, confined space, power industrial truck safety and forklift certification.